These are the burning five questions we must know about Cheryl Pierson. Are you ready?
What’s weird about your name?
I have two weird things about my name that I’ve had to explain all my life. My first name is not pronounced SHARE-yl, like 99% of the rest of the world with that name. My parents must have sat around for ages figuring how to pick a name that would be just enough “off” to require a double take every time I introduce myself. It’s CHAIR-yl, with a “hard” CH—like chicken, church, or CHAIR.
The second weird thing is my middle name. (Yes my parents were on a roll here!) It’s Kathlyn. I have met a total of two other people in my life with that name. This is why my daughter is named JESSICA.
What was the car you learned to drive in?
My parents bought a ’63 Impala that I shared with my sister who had moved back home after her divorce. It was white and one of those fantastic old cars that I wish I still had. Even though it was old when I got it, I loved that thing. (I was 16 in 1973.) The car I learned to drive stick shift on was a mid-year special edition Capri. Racing red and NO air conditioning. Still the “car of my heart.”
How many states have you lived in?
Only two. I was born in Oklahoma and lived here until I was 17. My dad worked for Baroid, an oil company, and was transferred to Charleston, West Virginia, the summer before I started my senior year of high school. I met my husband there, and Fate stepped in. He worked for the FAA, whose training facility is in Oklahoma City. So we moved back out here and have been in Oklahoma for the past 29 years.
Favorite food?
Fresh home grown tomatoes. With or without salt. They even beat chocolate out!
One book you couldn’t live without?
To Kill a Mockingbird. The great American novel has already been written.
Got a question you want to ask? A comment you want to make? Let's hear it! I'm giving away a pdf copy of my short story, "HIDDEN TRAILS" to one commenter today!

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